Friday, April 21, 2006
Don't be fooled by Hu
But President Bush needs to see past the empty rhetoric of Hu, and understand that the Chinese agenda runs counter not only to the universal values of freedom and democracy, but also to US national interests. In the United Nations, China has stymied US initiatives to counter the genocide in Darfur and to contain Iran's nuclear ambitions. In addition, China also openly supports ruthless dictatorships in Zimbabwe, Myanmar, and Uzbekistan. Its offer to contain North Korea's military threats is half-hearted at best. Finally, China's military spending threatens traditional US allies such as Taiwan and Japan.
Even on issues such as trade, China's record is spotty. China deliberately undervalues its currency to inflate its trade surplus, flouts World Trade Organization regulations, and allows intellectual piracy and copyright infringement to flourish.
Mr. Hu may portray China's influence as benign to US interests. But if Mr. Bush can see past the empty rhetoric, he will see that the Chinese agenda is hinders the spread of democracy and freedom worldwide.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Surprise! Russia, China refuse to oppose genocide in Darfur
Genocide in Darfur has been occurring for about 3 years already, with the Sudanese government arming militia that drive black Africans from their homes. Over 2 million Africans have been displaced.
Of course, this genocide has not gone on long enough for China, since their envoy to the UN has said that the time is not right to impose sanctions. When is the right time? Never! China has trade links with Sudan, so of course they won't impose sanctions, no matter what atrocities occur. After all, for China, 3 years of killing innocent people is not nearly enough!
Ah, China, once again supporting a brutal dictatorship, with no regard or value for human life.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Conservatives win freedom of Chinese dissident
Lu had been held in detention in Thailand as the Chinese government put pressure to keep him in captivity. But credit the Canadian Conservative government for placing human rights as a priority in their foreign policy. (Much more than the Liberals did!) They also put pressure to secure the release of this dissident.
Hopefully Lu can continue to shed light on the human rights abuses of China right here in Canada.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
KMT likes CCP more than DPP
That's fine, that's how politics works. But what I don't understand then is the love affair between the KMT and the CCP. It seems that KMT leadership is much more opposed to the DPP than the CCP.
But the CCP is the one responsible for aiming 800 missiles at Taiwan. The CCP is responsible for obstructing Taiwan from crucial NGO's like the World Health Organization. The CCP has one of the worst human rights records on the planet. The CCP continues to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners and democracy activists.
The KMT's job may indeed be to oppose the DPP, but clearly, there's no reason to suck up so much to the Chinese Communist Party.
The DPP respects the freedom and fundamental rights of Taiwanese citizens. It is a party that helped establish democracy on Taiwan. The CCP's values are anti-freedom, anti-rights, and anti-democracy. Why fall in love with them?
Unless of course, these KMT leaders share the same values as the CCP? This explains why Taiwan suffered for over 40 years under a KMT dictatorship....
Monday, April 10, 2006
Lien Chan kisses Ass once again...
They're going to meet in Shanghai. Do you think Lien will raise the issue of human rights? Noooo..... Do you think Lien will raise the issue of China's missiles pointed at Taiwan? Noooo....
Do you think Lien will stand up for the rights of Taiwanese? Noooo.....
Which begs more questions to you Lien Chan:
Didn't you lose two presidential elections?
Aren't you responsible for the KMT's poor electoral showing?
Then why are you still doing what you're doing?
Saturday, April 08, 2006
The Island Nation
Formosans with bowed heads, and hearts that are torn,
They weep for the memory of those that fell,
And for those who witnessed that dreadful hell.
Though many years past, the hurt does not fade,
The bloodshed and sufferings cannot be unmade.
So many killed, so many families destroyed,
The cries of the victims, they could not avoid
The death that came to them and their friends,
From a stubborn regime that just wouldn't bend.
From the streets of Taipei, to the farms in Chia-Yi,
The gunshots rang steadily, as loud as can be.
The slaughter continued on its merciless path,
Murdering political dissidents with its angry wrath.
The death of so many will not be in vain.
Neither will be their families' anguish and pain,
We remember these victims with saddened sorrow,
But we still retain hope for a better tomorrow.
For freedom has its price, it does not come cheap,
The victims have sacrificed, they have earned their keep,
But we must go on, our mission is not done,
Until the fight for freedom has truly been won.
We will not let them down, the ghosts of the past,
Their cause of yesteryear is our greatest task,
We strive for the freedom of Formosans today,
To our compatriots, have faith, rest in peace you may.
In memory of the victims of the February 28 1947 Massacre
Wen Jiabao and Lien Chan the same person?

Well, I guess its not really a surprise, seeing how last
year, Lien Chan went to kiss the asses of Hu Jintao and
Wen Jiabao. Yeah, well I guess if Lien Chan could, he would want
to be Wen Jiabao, the premier of China. After all, it doesn't matter how many human rights abuses China commits, Lien Chan loves China!
By the way, KMT supporters seem to be more opposed to the DPP than the CCP. I guess they just can't stand an administration that values freedom, democracy, and human rights! That's why they're in cahoots with the Communist dictatorship!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Tibet and Hamas
Indeed, the Chinese representative for the West Bank and Gaza has said, "We have explained the Chinese position that supports the Palestinian people in their just struggle to regain their national rights and occupied land."
Well, I support the creation of a Palestinian state, co-existing peacefully with Israel. I'm not okay with terrorist actions and the killing of innocent Jews, thus Hamas should be isolated.
But the irony of all this is that China should apply their own words to Tibet! Don't Tibetans have the right to regain their national rights and occupied land? I think China should put its money where its mouth is! That means granting Tibet real autonomy and ceasing the destruction of the unique Tibet culture.
The difference between Tibet and Hamas? The Tibetan independence movement has been a peaceful one, whereas Hamas resorts to violence against innocents. Hmm, I'm okay with Tibet, but not with Hamas. China? Well, they're okay with the slaughter of innocents, but they're not even willing to allow Tibetans the freedom of speech to speak out against the cruel, brutal, and illegal occupation of Tibet by the Chinese government. Kinda makes you wonder, eh?
Mr. Ma still doesn't get democracy
I guess Mr. Ma is still living in the fantasy world of 1947. This so-called "consensus" has never been agreed to by the Taiwanese people - it was an agreement between the authoritarian Chinese Communist party and the authoritarian Kuomintang.
Besides, this "one China" that Mr. Ma clings to, is it the Republic of China that still rules over the mainland and Mongolia? Is it the "one China" that pretends the People's Republic of China doesn't exist? It seems that Mr. Ma needs a reality check: Taiwan and China are two separate nations, with distinct cultures and vastly different national structures. Why force unification between them?
If Chairman Ma really believed in democracy, then he would realize that the Taiwanese people never consented to a "one China" policy, and that the future of Taiwan belongs in the hands of the Taiwanese people - not the KMT old guard.
Is Taiwan equal to Hamas?
Well, the new Conservative government announced that it was going to cut funding to the Palestinian Authority due to Hamas' refusal to renounce violence and recognize the right of Israel's existence. Good for them....Canada finally has taken a leadership position in the world on something. Peter MacKay said that Canada will not have official contacts between the government of Canada and the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority. Good for you Mr. MacKay! Its a strong signal that Canada will not tolerate terrorist organizations.
But don't forget that Canada does not have official contacts with Taiwan! Does Canada deem Taiwan to be a terrorist organization? Why isolate a democratic country that shares Canadian values of human rights and democracy? Let's hope Mr. MacKay shows leadership in both the Middle East and East Asia. Canada should shut off contact with the terrorist Hamas organization, while opening diplomatic channels with democratic Taiwan.
Stephen Harper said in his acceptance speech as Prime Minister designate that he would work for promoting Canadian democratic ideals on the international stage. This requires cutting of the flow of money to terrorist organizations, but this also requires support for democratic nations like Taiwan. Will the new Conservative government finally end its shabby treatment of a democratic ally?