Friday, February 09, 2007

Stephen Harper stands up for human rights

Stephen Harper deserves a lot of credit for taking a principled stand against China's human rights abuses. Human rights are a basic Canadian value, and the Conservative government deserves our support for its principled stands, and its unwillingness to kowtow to a terrible Chinese regime that continues to ruthlessly oppress political dissent.

The Conservatives have shown courage for:
1) Supporting Taiwan's fledgling democracy and opposing China's military threats against Taiwan.
2) Supporting the Dalai Lama and Tibet's right to nationhood.
3) Pushing the Chinese government to allow religious freedom to Falun Dafa practitioners.
4) Standing up for Huseyin Celil, a Canadian citizen that is unfairly persecuted by China.

The Liberals never ever took such principled stands, and its clear that its the Conservatives that are the party that supports the promotion of human rights and democracy on the international stage.