Monday, December 01, 2008

The World's Blind Spot

While many lament China's attitude towards Tibet and highlights the obstinacy of China's dictatorial regime, one has to also note that the lack of pressure from democratic governments to address human rights abuses committed by China gives China no motivation to correct its brutish and oppressive behaviour. Western nations have chosen to kowtow and pander to China's demands, rather than using concrete political measures to express deep dissatisfaction with China's abrasive attitudes.

Until the United States and countries in the European Union give a clear, unambiguous signal, that China's treatment of Tibet, its intimidation of democratic Taiwan, and its continual suppression of fundamental rights is unacceptable, China will continue to assert its expansionist and repressive agenda, to the detriment of its populace and its neighbours.

Dr. Stan Lai, Director for Public Relations
Formosan Association for Public Affairs Europe