Sunday, January 28, 2007

Mr. Ma, why won't you listen to the aspirations of the Taiwanese people?

Ah, good old 馬英九, your anti-democracy views show up again.

Mr. Ma has stated that the KMT will refuse to support Taiwanese independence no matter what. This comes as more and more people on Taiwan identify themselves as Taiwanese and aspire to be a nation apart from China. But of course, Mr. Ma has to kowtow to the KMT old guard, who ran Taiwan as a brutal dictatorship for over 40 long years. What a surprise! Mr. Ma will not heed to the will of the Taiwanese people, but would rather kowtow to the Chinese communists. Can we trust anyone from the KMT to stand up for Taiwan?

Apparently not....they haven't for 60 years, why should they start now?