Saturday, January 20, 2007


The yearning of a people, 'tis a frightful thing to hear,
from an island far away, with a history of tears.
The cries, they go unnoticed, though they echo through the night,
while the world turns away, indifferent to such plight.

"Hear us!" shout the people, "A Nation we would be!"
But the world hears a song, in an entirely different key,
"No no," replies the world, "This cannot be allowed,"
And not a single party dares go against the crowd.

The people of the island, patient as can be,
have overcome oppression, defeated tyranny.
A society they have built, out of love and out of life,
But a monster looms in shadows, and sows the strait with strife.

The monster will destroy what is just and what is right,
And each party fears this monster with its growing might,
Who dares offend the monster, who dares to stop the cries?
Who dares to help the island, who dares confront the lies?

The world remains unfriendly, such an unfair place,
It willfully ignores justice when it calls upon its face.
And the island is rejected, left helplessly to tread
upon its own in darkness, while the world is misled.

So the yearning will go on, who knows when it will cease?
As the people are abandoned, and unrighteousness increased.
But hope lies in justice, our nationhood will come,
'Tis on that very day, our fight, we will have won.